วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Why do we cry.

I was created to protect the natural eye. You keep your eyes moist. Prevent inflammation and infection of the eye. But the tears and crying, but different. Breakdown mechanism is one of the spec to be seen as a sign of weakness. If so, then why have I come?

 The cry of the people are crying because the second is like a powder, eye irritation or eye peeled onion volatile time. Or another cry from the emotional. We have to understand when we shed tears because of the irritation. Is to wash foreign bodies out of the eye. แta Why should we shed tears because of the irritation. Is to wash foreign bodies out of the eye. But we must shed our deeply moved by  The results showed that the glands produce tears to your eyes, we are. What is the excretion of certain substances from the body. It will be driven out with tears. Fares are in tears than in the bloodstream up to 30 times. The cry of the people we are the chemicals that the body eliminates the time we touched it. Make us feel more comfortable.

 One of the very important and are included in tears with it. "Theodore N. Green," a substance that is known as a message of joy and relaxation to help relieve the pain. There is another component in my profile, it is Martin. This is the hormone responsible for milk production in dairy animals of all kinds. It also promotes the production of tears. An adult woman with horn type smell than men the same age to 60%.This might be the reason why women cry more easily than men.

 I think it is a sign of weakness. Crying is a major mechanism of relaxation to one of the body when the body was touched. It is not a shame to cry when we cry and feel better.We're ready for something new to come along in life. It is important to recognize and learn. What makes us cry, so that we become stronger. Both body and mind in the future.

