You may be confused about the wires of a sphere, it can also be tilted. If the rest of us rolling on the floor would not. However, since we float in space. The rest of our 23.5-degree tilt. The area of each part of the world are facing the sun is not the same as the seasons. The easy to imagine that the polar axis of the world. Usually, we are entitled, that the North Pole. Electrode wires in the bottom right but we had a north-south. I suppose the sun to the left. The electrode wires were on the right side of his face the sun (in winter), while the rest of the south pole facing the sun (as a function of temperature). When the orbit to the left of the sun The wires are still tilted to the right as it was. North Pole will be facing the sun (the summer), while the world turned away as the sun (the winter).
If the Earth is tilted. Is set at an angle of 90 degrees with the sun, this is not the season. Because the area was light from the sun is always the same. The freezing cold temperature extremes to do it. I believe that if it is true that there is life on this planet is not easy.
The tilt of the Earth. The terrain is not the same as the plain above sea level. The seasonal variation slightly as the time of the monsoon region. We only have three seasons: summer, monsoon and winter. But if the entire world with the same flat surface. The wires of the four seasons: summer, fall, winter and spring.
But today's climate, we were very much. We found that the Earth's tilt up a bit. May be very small in comparison with the immensity of the world. But its effects are not trivial things. Some scientists believe the Earth is tilted up every 40,000 years. While some speculate that it is related to the nuclear ground or a large dam. Momentum balance in the world to change. As a result, we add the wires.Eaaepenwea whether any of the reasons that we increase the human impact on our new course.