I was created to protect the natural eye. You keep your eyes moist. Prevent inflammation and infection of the eye. But the tears and crying, but different. Breakdown mechanism is one of the spec to be seen as a sign of weakness. If so, then why have I come?
The cry of the people are crying because the second is like a powder, eye irritation or eye peeled onion volatile time. Or another cry from the emotional. We have to understand when we shed tears because of the irritation. Is to wash foreign bodies out of the eye. แta Why should we shed tears because of the irritation. Is to wash foreign bodies out of the eye. But we must shed our deeply moved by The results showed that the glands produce tears to your eyes, we are. What is the excretion of certain substances from the body. It will be driven out with tears. Fares are in tears than in the bloodstream up to 30 times. The cry of the people we are the chemicals that the body eliminates the time we touched it. Make us feel more comfortable.
One of the very important and are included in tears with it. "Theodore N. Green," a substance that is known as a message of joy and relaxation to help relieve the pain. There is another component in my profile, it is Martin. This is the hormone responsible for milk production in dairy animals of all kinds. It also promotes the production of tears. An adult woman with horn type smell than men the same age to 60%.This might be the reason why women cry more easily than men.
I think it is a sign of weakness. Crying is a major mechanism of relaxation to one of the body when the body was touched. It is not a shame to cry when we cry and feel better.We're ready for something new to come along in life. It is important to recognize and learn. What makes us cry, so that we become stronger. Both body and mind in the future.
108Genius guide
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555
วันศุกร์ที่ 27 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555
Season because of the tilt.
You may be confused about the wires of a sphere, it can also be tilted. If the rest of us rolling on the floor would not. However, since we float in space. The rest of our 23.5-degree tilt. The area of each part of the world are facing the sun is not the same as the seasons. The easy to imagine that the polar axis of the world. Usually, we are entitled, that the North Pole. Electrode wires in the bottom right but we had a north-south. I suppose the sun to the left. The electrode wires were on the right side of his face the sun (in winter), while the rest of the south pole facing the sun (as a function of temperature). When the orbit to the left of the sun The wires are still tilted to the right as it was. North Pole will be facing the sun (the summer), while the world turned away as the sun (the winter).
If the Earth is tilted. Is set at an angle of 90 degrees with the sun, this is not the season. Because the area was light from the sun is always the same. The freezing cold temperature extremes to do it. I believe that if it is true that there is life on this planet is not easy.
The tilt of the Earth. The terrain is not the same as the plain above sea level. The seasonal variation slightly as the time of the monsoon region. We only have three seasons: summer, monsoon and winter. But if the entire world with the same flat surface. The wires of the four seasons: summer, fall, winter and spring.
But today's climate, we were very much. We found that the Earth's tilt up a bit. May be very small in comparison with the immensity of the world. But its effects are not trivial things. Some scientists believe the Earth is tilted up every 40,000 years. While some speculate that it is related to the nuclear ground or a large dam. Momentum balance in the world to change. As a result, we add the wires.Eaaepenwea whether any of the reasons that we increase the human impact on our new course.
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555
I wing it

What makes the birds fly, birds fly, is the year before. I know. The birds of the year, but is different. But the flight of different birds. But the flight of birds with different!
Wings of birds can be classified into four types.
Thin, flat wings. And convergence towards the end. Remember the bird flies faster and turns to go fluently. Found in birds or birds in the air is often tricky to fly long distances, such as bird's nest. The bird's nest.
Wings long, narrow wings for gliding by. Most of the birds gliding in the air for a long time. They eat fish, they will be able to glide over the surface with little time to get wings like a seagull.
Curved wings and wing separated from each other for very high temperature. He was raised by a force of hot air rising from the floor. Often found in large birds such as eagles living in the area.
Short, narrow wings for fast flight to the short term. Including aviation in the dense forest or in a bulbul.
The flight of birds, not just relying on its wings only. However, the physical structure as well. It evolved through the porous bones. The attenuation of the internal organs, so that the bird is light. Plus respiratory and circulatory diseases, and other. Including the lungs and air sacs that are located throughout the body.
But there are some animals that have wings to fly, they are not like chickens, ostriches, penguins, for example, if we observe it. These birds are found to Goliath. In a letter to bombard the wing can not fly over it.
็Holds two fingers in the wrong place. May have life

Raising two fingers,I take a picture of a teenager in this era of populer belief. Do I look cute. Adult children to do it. We raise two fingers, I seem to be common. I know that it holds the receivables that are meant to.
In fact, raising two fingers, a symbol that means. This signal victory, and criticism. A symbol. I do not know him. But if we come back, the palms facing toward you. Know what it means to insult and challenge! Especially in the Iud is hard to understand this.
Typically, if a European or American. He will not lift a finger to again and again. But Asians are the most common. I will do this. Raising two fingers at the beginning of this cartoon published in Japan and has been popular throughout the world. In the past, it may be a signal to the media suggests that the Japanese were bombing us into the image after World War II. Raising two fingers, but now that I shot through my hand to almost anything, then it is meaningless to me or I take only pure Ar. Even the Europeans could understand and emulate some of them turned to us with the same!
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